Tag Groups, Version 1.36.0: Post Count Threshold

green wooden chair on white surface

The latest release of the Tag Groups WordPress plugin lets you set a threshold – a minimum post count – that is required for tags to appear in tag clouds and tag lists. That way you can use only the most relevant tags and still apply any other sort order, rather than having to use orderby=count and order=desc.

The threshold parameter is available for the following features:

  • premium plans: Shuffle Box, Table Tag Cloud, Simple Tag Cloud
  • all plans: Tabbed Tag Cloud, Accordion Tag Cloud, Alphabetical Index, Alphabetical Tag Cloud, Tag List

Example for a shortcode:

[tag_groups_cloud threshold=3]

The number behind the parameter sets the minimum of how many published posts each tag should be used with.

In the Gutenberg block this option can be found in the “Tags” section as “Minimum post count for tags to appear”.

Please note that we check the total number of published posts of each tag, not the number of published posts per group.

Further Information

Photo by Christoph Amthor