color Archives - Chatty Mango WordPress Plugins Mon, 08 Jun 2020 15:03:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 color Archives - Chatty Mango 32 32 135434061 Tag Groups, Version 1.29.0: Easy Custom Tag Colors And Tag Cloud Search Mon, 08 Jun 2020 15:03:03 +0000 The latest release of the premium version of the Tag Groups WordPress plugin comes with three new features:

  1. a tool to search the plugin’s static tag clouds (premium version);
  2. a tool in the back end that lets you adjust the color scheme of your tags (premium version);
  3. an improved experience when rendering tabs and accordions (premium and free versions).

Search your tag clouds

Until now, the Shuffle Box has been the only tag cloud where tags could be filtered by a search term. The downside of animating the tags is the limited amount of tags that it can handle.

Tag Groups Premium comes now with a new Gutenberg Block / shortcode that lets you filter tags in our static tag clouds. It is even possible to use one search field to filter the tags of several tag clouds.

Read more about it here.

Color your tags

Changing the color scheme has always been possible, but required some knowledge of CSS. Now it is possible to pick the colors in the back end settings of the plugin. You can also copy and paste the primary colors of your theme so that your tags will blend into the design.

The tool lets you choose colors for the text and the background of the tag labels and of the prepended/appended pieces:

screenshot of the tag color wizard

The color wizard then generates a block of CSS code that you can use in your (child) theme or in the WordPress Customizer. Then you only need to use the class name that you chose in the tag cloud where you want these colors to appear.

Of course there are many more parameters that you could customize, like the border radius or the padding. In order to keep this tool simple, however, it lets you configure the color only.

Adding a curtain to the stage

Tabs and accordions are rendered using a tool called jQuery UI. Until the rendering was done, page visitors often still saw the “raw” list of tags, panels and so on, which was confusing and, admittedly, not very beautiful. This transition took particularly long time if the page contained large amounts of tags or other text.

Since this version the transition from the “raw” list to the final structure happens invisibly. Before the final structure is ready, visitors only see an empty space. That means that we are opening the curtain only after the stage has been set up.

This feature is also available in the free version of Tag Groups.

If you for any reason need the previous behavior, you can enforce it in the shortcode by adding delay=0. This features is based on JavaScript, which is necessary anyway for tabs and accordions to render.

Further Information
