Features Meta Box: Tags can now be moved to another group by drag and drop. Tag Cloud: New shortcode parameter link_append for adding queries to the tag cloud links. Dynamic Post Filter: Improved template with image sizes. Bug Fixes Meta Box: Fixed saving tags if used alongside the default tag box. Meta Box: Prevented submitting… Continue reading 1.5.0
Changelog Tag: feature
Features new shortcode parameter link_append for adding queries to the tag cloud links new shortcode parameter heightstyle for accordion to adjust the height of the tag containers. For more information see “Fill space” and “No auto height”.
Features added links from tag group admin screen directly to tags and posts screen with activated filter (if applicable) displaying post type of taxonomies in settings behind taxonomy names (experimentally) enabled post filter also for categories (while hiding the deranged default category filter menu) Bug Fixes fixed faulty post filter for custom taxonomies fixed warnings… Continue reading 0.29.0
Features shortcodes: added random sorting (orderby=”random”) updated shortcode instructions reduced debug messages in caching
Features Meta Box: New button to add all tags of one group Meta Box: New and moved tags now with different colors Meta Box: Optional prevention of adding new tags or moving tags to another group is now case-insensitive Meta Box: New setting to override restrictions to add new tags or moving tags to another… Continue reading 1.4.0
Features Shortcode “tag_groups_table”: Added the option of natural sorting of tag/term names (orderby=”natural”) Update check in the Settings under the “About” tab checks for availability of later version Dynamic Post Filter: bigger size of tags on small screens Meta Box: In rare cases of multisite installations, tags would not be saved because WP continuously believes… Continue reading 1.3.0
Features Added filter query parameters ‘date_query_before’ and ‘date_query_after’. Values can be any string that can be understood by strtotime(). For more details see the documentation. More intuitive new shortcode for the button: “redirect_to_post_button”. The previous code “redirect_to_random_button” will continue working for some time.
Features Meta Box: New Option to open all groups that contain terms when editing existing post Bug Fixes Fixed non-critical warning for file not found
Features shortcodes: added the option of natural sorting of tag/term names (orderby=”natural”) Bug Fixes fixed preloading of cache minor styling issue
Features Dynamic Posts Filter: new parameter “placeholder” Bug Fixes Dynamic Posts Filter: Fixed Javascript error when using “groups_only” parameter Dynamic Posts Filter: Fixed posts not found when using “groups_only” parameter