
Other Added option “Don’t load a theme” to jQuery UI theme selector to make it clearer how to avoid loading any of the provided jQuery UI themes


Bug Fixes Meta Box: Fixed bug when preventing creation of new tags. Other Added option “Don’t load a theme” to jQuery UI theme selector to make it clearer how to avoid loading any of the provided jQuery UI themes Meta Box on post edit screen: Tag selector box now shows scroll bar if list gets… Continue reading 1.31.3


Features Preview the output of (most) blocks in the Gutenberg editor. This preview is only approximate and it can be turned off in the settings. Other Speed improvements for several bulk operations with tags Blocks are now kept in their own category “Chatty Mango”. That makes them easier to find and they don’t congest the… Continue reading 1.31.0


Features Preview the output of (most) blocks in the Gutenberg editor. This preview is only approximate and it can be turned off in the settings. Other Speed improvements for several bulk operations with tags Improved handling of transient cache Blocks are now kept in their own category “Chatty Mango”. That makes them easier to find… Continue reading 1.31.0


Bug Fixes Fixed custom post types sometimes not appearing Fixed delay when rendering tabs Other Added option “delay” to Gutenberg block


Bug Fixes Fixed delay when rendering tabs Other Added option “delay” to Gutenberg block


Bug Fixes Fixed broken sorting on Tags page Other Improved compatibility with other plugins that rely on filters


Bug Fixes Fixed broken sorting on Tags page Other Improved compatibility with other plugins that rely on filters


Other Improved delayed display of tabs and accordions on large pages Compatibility with jQuery that ships with upcoming WP 5.5+ (jQuery 3.5.1, jQuery UI 1.12.1) Improved compatibility with some browsers regarding cookies (SameSite parameter) Experimental filters to programmatically modify the term query and post query. Several minor fixes


Other Improved delayed display of tabs and accordions on large pages Compatibility with jQuery that ships with upcoming WP 5.5+ (jQuery 3.5.1, jQuery UI 1.12.1) More consistent sanitation of HTML Experimental filters to programmatically modify the term query. Several minor fixes