
Other Improved resilience against Ajax errors


Bug Fixes Fixed problem to turn off one back end setting. Other Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin and Classic Editor.


Bug Fixes Fixed notice: Trying to get property of non-object Fixed wrong reference of styling for Gutenberg Fixed thumbnail size keywords not recognized in Post List Fixed not refreshing post count in Dynamic Post Filter With Toggles. Fixed in Meta Box with WPML: original tags rather than translated found in translated language Other Improved filter… Continue reading 1.22.1


Bug Fixes Fixed wrong reference of styling for Gutenberg Other Improved filter menus on posts page (@ebabinet) Updated Freemius’ SDK


Features New parameters for Post List: author, category, search, tag, tag_id, tag__and, tag__in, tag__not_in, tag_slug__and, tag_slug__in (Note: These parameters are not available in the Post List Gutenberg block.) Other Updated Freemius package to version 2.3.0


Other Updated Freemius package to version 2.3.0


Bug Fixes Fixes wrong total post counts in troubleshooting for some language settings. Other Improved compatibility with the Polylang plugin


Other Improved compatibility with the Polylang plugin


Features New parameters comment_count, comment_count_min (>=) and comment_count_max (<=) to filter by comment count. The value is always an integer. comment_count also takes negative values, which means “not”. Requires WordPress 4.9+. Other Whitelisted more tracking parameters for Google and Matomo Analytics.


Bug Fixes Fixed wrong positions of new groups after their creation. Preventing occasional error messages when creating terms. Other Added an additional consistency check of labels.