
Bug Fixes Fixed: Saving a post disregarded previous post tags that weren’t assigned to any group Fixed: Wrong label on drop-down menu of Meta Box Other Added parameter add_premium_filter to tag cloud shortcode to optionally turn off link queries in tag cloud


Bug Fixes fixed export of tags for multiple groups Other added possibility to identify term and group after clicking on link in tag group


Features drop-down menu to add groups to tags now with integrated search field (useful for long lists of groups) Other preventing caching of scripts and styles over version changes Notes for developers who access the tag group information with their own code: some options are now deprecated


Features use multiple tag clouds on same page without need to use div_id parameter Bug Fixes fixed activation error directly after new installation Other some changes under the hood to facilitate new features in the upcoming premium version


Features New shortcode parameters include_terms, exclude_terms Bug Fixes Meta Box: Last tag could not be removed. Other Improved handling of tags with duplicate names.


Features two new shortcode parameters help you fine-tune which tags to display: include_terms, exclude_terms Bug Fixes fixed parameter “active” not working for accordion fixed stubborn empty separator in accordion Other removed a non-breaking space between tags in tag clouds because it made styling more difficult. (Please use CSS if you need more space.)


Features Future updates from within the backend Other Caching on disk uses unified directory


Bug Fixes Disabling the default tag box disabled also Quick Edit Problem in shortcode with multiple taxonomies Other Meta Box: More fluid experience when adding all tags, not blocking other processes Important:  If you install this version, you will have to update from Codester.


Bug Fixes Tag Cloud: Fixed issue caused by unused taxonomies left behind by other plugins and themes Other Improved notification of updates on plugins page Adjustments to match changes in base plugin


Features export includes now also terms with their term groups Bug Fixes fixed issue with caching (database) tag clouds and tag groups admin: fixed issue caused by unused taxonomies formerly used by Other plugins and themes Other fixed some non-critical errors and warnings in Edit Plugins view some performance improvements and code optimizations improved tag… Continue reading 0.31.0