
Other Placeholders in post templates: Now you can list custom taxonomies that are connected to the posts: {my_taxonomy}. More consistent permissions: By default, editors can now assign tags to groups.


Other jQuery UI themes “Delta” and “Aristo”: Removed not essential styling in order to reduce risk of conflicts with 3rd party extensions. Performance improvements


Other Toggle Post Filter menu: Accordion can now open on mouseover (use value 2 in shortcode). jQuery UI themes “Delta” and “Aristo”: Removed not essential styling in order to reduce risk of conflicts with 3rd party extensions. Performance improvements


Other CSS fixes on admin page. Removed unused code.


Other Tag Meta Box: Tags can now include ;. Tag Meta Box: Temporarily disabled Escape key in tag field due to a bug in jQuery version that comes with WordPress.


Features Organize groups on the back end under a parent level. See post. Bug Fixes Fixed styling in Gutenberg editor. Meta Box: Fixed adding of same tag in different group. Meta Box: Fixed error message for wrong taxonomies. Other Developers: New filter tag_groups_allow_duplicate_group_names to allow duplicate group names.


Other Developers: New filter tag_groups_allow_duplicate_group_names to allow duplicate group names.


Bug Fixes Tag Meta Box: Closing a group now resets the tag list to the previous post tags. Other Developers: New filter tag_groups_custom_title to filter title attribute of tags in tag clouds per tag.


Other Developers: New filter tag_groups_custom_title to filter title attribute of tags in tag clouds per tag.


Features Tag Clouds: New placeholder {name} for custom title parameter that displays the tag’s name. Tag Clouds: New parameters custom_title_zero and custom_title_plural. They work like custom_title for tags with a post count of 0 or >1. Other Improved image size for “image card” and “large image” templates.