Bug Fixes Fixed bug in random sorting. Other Tag clouds/lists: Added parameter exclude to blocks. Tag clouds/lists: Trying to ignore wrong (formatted) quotes used with parameters. Improved layout of Tag Groups Admin page when filters are off.
Changelog Tag: other
Bug Fixes Fixed bug in random sorting. Other Tag clouds/lists: Added parameter exclude to blocks. Tag clouds/lists: Trying to ignore wrong (formatted) quotes used with parameters. Improved layout of Tag Groups Admin page when filters are off.
Bug Fixes Fixed loading of some required scripts in Tag Cloud Plus plan. Other No object caching if in tag clouds the post cannot be identified.
Other Improved automatic object cache management when saving post tags. Toggle Post Filter: Improved handling of column width in masonry layout.
Bug Fixes Fixed bug in transient management. Other Smaller cache chunks to avoid database issues. Tag cloud shortcodes: experimental parameter exclude to exclude groups.
Bug Fixes Fixed bug in transient management. Minor bug fixes in blocks. Other Post Filters: Now possible for all post filters to set a default image source. New constant TAG_GROUPS_AUTO_POST_COUNTS to disable processing of post count cache if not required. Smaller cache chunks to avoid database issues. Tag cloud shortcodes: experimental parameter exclude to exclude… Continue reading 1.39.5
Bug Fixes Fixed incompatibility in maintenance routine with PHP 7.2.x. Fixed post meta not processed automatically when changing taxonomies. Other Tag Groups admin page: Improved compatibilty with other plugins that read $_REQUEST[‘taxonomy’]. Make sure that no other plugin adds output after AJAX response. Freemius SDK updated to version 2.4.2, bringing clearer information and more links… Continue reading 1.39.4
Other Tag Groups admin page: Improved compatibilty with other plugins that read $_REQUEST[‘taxonomy’]. Make sure that no other plugin adds output after AJAX response. Freemius SDK updated to version 2.4.2, bringing clearer information and more links for help. Back end post filter: Improved compatibility with custom post types that don’t use categories.
Bug Fixes Toggle Post Filter: Fixed bug that prevented sorting of tags in the filter menu by post count. Fixed error message in AJAX after deleting a tag. Other Improved scheduling of cache rebuilds when using Gutenberg.
Bug Fixes Toggle Post Filter: Notifications sometimes not appearing after removing text. Other Improved CSS of Toggle Post Filter’s order menu to prevent unintended line breaks.