
Other Improved check for dependencies before launching JavaScript Developers: New filters tag_groups_tpf_before_query, tag_groups_dpf_before_query and tag_groups_before_placeholders


Features Toggle Post Filter and Dynamic Post Filter: New operator EXACT where all selected tags must match all post tags (vs. a subset). (Gutenberg block and shortcode) Developers: New filters tag_groups_cloud_tag_prepend and tag_groups_cloud_tag_append. Bug Fixes Dynamic Post Filter: Always show selector for initially to open groups in Gutenberg block. Toggle Post Filter: Fixed persistent filter… Continue reading 1.39.0


Bug Fixes Shuffle Box: Fixed bug on pages that show multiple instances of the Shuffle Box. Toggle Post Filter: Fixed request not sent for “not assigned” group. Other CSS: Improved compatibility with browsers that skip definitions after encountering unknown prefixes.


Bug Fixes Tag Meta Box: Fixed logic that prevented entering tags from other groups if this is forbidden in the settings. Other Dynamic Post Filter can now handle per-group format of parameter operator. Improved compatibility with plugins that collect JavaScript and move it to the end of the page.


Other Improved compatibility with plugins that collect JavaScript and move it to the end of the page.


Features Group Info shortcode: new option to display groups labels with links Other Meta Box: Added link to settings and info message if groups are hidden. Toggle Post Filter with slider: regularly adjust the slider height for mobile screens when a browser menu temporarily reduces the drawing space. Group Info shortcode: more combination of parameters… Continue reading 1.38.0


Other Groups Info shortcode: more combination of parameters are now possible; default for group_id was changed to ‘all’ Fixed deprecation messages in JavaScript.


Other Performance improvement for import routine. Logging to debug.log (if activated) is now less verbose. To log more information enable it in the new “debugging” settings, Troubleshooting menu, or use define( ‘CM_DEBUG’, ‘verbose’ ); in wp-config.php. Fixed deprecation notices in PHP 8.


Bug Fixes Fixed bug in settings when deselecting all groups of tags to appear under posts. Fixed: empty div class in Post List. Fixed: JS error in Dynamic Post Filter. Fixed: empty table ID in Table Tag Cloud. Other Performance improvement for import routine. Logging to debug.log (if activated) is now less verbose. To log… Continue reading 1.37.1


Features Developers: experimental methods POST, PUT and DELETE for the REST API. See the documentation for more details. Other Required minimum PHP version is now 7.2. The plugin may work with lower versions but they are not supported.