
Christoph Amthor

I am a software developer from Germany and I am currently living in France. I am coding since the mid-80s, and I’ve done various projects like computer simulations for solid-state physics in the UK, a Burmese/Myanmar – English dictionary and I worked on numerous websites and a mobile app.

One day I discovered WordPress. The ecosystem of WordPress is huge. But what impressed me even more is the open source philosophy and the community that is always ready to help.

My first public plugin was Tag Groups that I released in 2012. Increasingly complex feature requests with the need to invest much more brain and time persuaded me in 2017 to create a premium version.

One more plugin is the side product of my own websites: Redirect URL to Post. This plugin is so simple that you don’t even need a page for settings. Still it is incredible what you can do with the available options.

With another professional background in journalism and doing trainings in developing countries, I know how important it is to provide a well-organized and comprehensible documentation. Writing code and writing the documentation always go hand in hand.

For all things not-software, please see my personal website.