Bug Fixes Fixed error message when saving a taxonomy. Fixed warning when processing tags. Other Purging expired transients.
Changelog Tag: other
Other Better resilience if isotope script is loaded in footer.
Features Shuffle Box: New shortcode/Gutenberg block to show tag cloud that is searchable and filterable by tag group. Themes for tags and Shuffle Box. Bug Fixes Fixed sanitation of multiple class names. Fixed notice on backend when updating a plugin. Other Formatted message about deactivation of base plugin as ‘info’, rather than ‘error’. Improved processing of… Continue reading 1.13.0
Bug Fixes Fixed wrong options in accordion Gutenberg block. Fixed occasional errors during transformation of Gutenberg block. Fixed sanitation of multiple class names. Fixed prepend and append parameters not working with {count} and hide_empty=0. Other Updated links to new documentation site. New action hook “taxonomies_saved”.
Features Tag Clouds: You can now use the placeholder {count} for the “prepend” and “append” parameters. It will be replaced by the post count for each tag. Dynamic Post Filter: New parameter “open” to determine groups that should be initially open. Instead of shortcodes you can now use Gutenberg blocks. This requires the installation of… Continue reading 1.12.0
Other added aliases “before” and “after” for “date_query_before” and “date_query_after”
Bug Fixes Fixed some action hooks not triggered for term group update. Other Added direct link from selected taxonomies in settings to tag groups page. Prepared the i18n of the Gutenberg blocks.
Bug Fixes Fixed wrong encoding in some admin filter menus. Other Gutenberg: Don’t export parameters during transformation to shortcode if they hold default values. Gutenberg: Updates to match latest version of Gutenberg. REST API: Include taxonomy names. REST API: Option to show terms of all public taxonomies. Improved possibility to remove deprecated options.
Other Tag cloud with “tags_post_id”: don’t show all groups if post has no tags Tag cloud with “tags_post_id”: show only groups that are used in post (premium)
Bug Fixes Fixed error in rendering Gutenberg blocks Other Improved compatibility with premium plugin