
Features Shuffle Box: New shortcode/Gutenberg block to show tag cloud that is searchable and filterable by tag group. Themes for tags and Shuffle Box. Bug Fixes Fixed sanitation of multiple class names. Fixed notice on backend when updating a plugin. Other Formatted message about deactivation of base plugin as ‘info’, rather than ‘error’. Improved processing of… Continue reading 1.13.0


Features Tag Clouds: You can now use the placeholder {count} for the “prepend” and “append” parameters. It will be replaced by the post count for each tag. Dynamic Post Filter: New parameter “open” to determine groups that should be initially open. Instead of shortcodes you can now use Gutenberg blocks. This requires the installation of… Continue reading 1.12.0


Features You can now use the placeholder {count} for the “prepend” and “append” parameters (shortcodes tag_groups_cloud and tag_groups_accordion). It will be replaced by the post count for each tag. Gutenberg blocks for Tabbed and Accordion Tag Cloud. Use them with the Gutenberg Plugin or the upcoming WordPress version 5.0. Shortcodes won’t be affected. Read more… Continue reading 0.38.0


Features New parameter “cache” to cache the result retrieved from the database. Used with a number in seconds. Caches the total amount of posts when used with “random”. Can be enforced with constant “CHATTY_MANGO_RUTP_CACHE” (in wp-config.php).


Features by default ignore the stickiness of posts. You can turn it off with ‘ignore_sticky_posts=0’


Features Option to display tags in groups directly under posts. Bug Fixes Fixed styling of Dynamic Post Filter affected tag clouds. Fixed bug in maintenance function. Other Improved caching. Additional check in maintenance function. Updated localization. Improved compatibility with other plugins that use a function called “caret”.


Features REST API endpoints /wp-json/tag-groups/v1/groups/ and /wp-json/tag-groups/v1/terms/ (currently only GET/read) Bug Fixes fixed broken HTML in accordion with parameter “include” Other If you use a custom theme, make sure your theme’s selector (CSS Scope on jQuery UI) is “.tag-groups-cloud”, not “.tag-groups-cloud-tabs”. Or add “.tag-groups-cloud-tabs” to div_class.


Features new parameter/value info=label for shortcode tag_groups_info Bug Fixes permission settings to edit groups affected also editing tags Other after using and while deactivating the premium plugin, permissions to edit tag groups are reset to defaults performance improvements rebuild relevant post meta after taxonomy change (premium)


Features New shortcode: tag_groups_combined_cloud Bug Fixes Fixed bug in caching for table tag cloud Fixed wrong post count of tags that are used with multiple groups Updating cache after modifying post


Features Choose the number of groups per page on the Tag Groups screen. (“Screen Options”) Added a maintenance function to the “Support” tab. Bug Fixes Fixed wrong post count of tags that are used in multiple groups Other Shortcode documentation now only on website (for easier maintenance and localization)