Tag Groups, Version 0.31: Export of Terms And Other Improvements

This release of the free Tag Groups plugin mainly fixes and improves some issues. There is one new feature, however, namely the possibility to export also terms (tags) with their term group association. Before re-importing you have to make sure that the taxonomies and tag groups already exist, otherwise the term will be imported but not properly assigned. The import doesn’t delete anything, it just creates tags that don’t exist and modifies those that exist.

Please be aware that this export and import doesn’t replace a proper database backup. All((Apart from custom themes.)) the plugin’s information is saved there and if you can you should preferably use this backup.

Bug Fixes And Other Improvements

  • fixed a problem with database caching (mostly concerning the premium plugin)
  • improved the filter on the tags admin page (removed use of sessions that often conflicted with themes and other plugins)
  •  fixed an issue in tag clouds and in the tag groups admin, caused by unused taxonomies formerly used by other plugins and themes
  • fixed some non-critical errors and warnings in Edit Plugins view
  • made some performance improvements and code optimizations