Redirect URL to Post, Version 0.11: Random With Bias

This version of the free WordPress plugin Redirect URL to Post comes with a new feature: You can now pick a random from all posts with a bias on a certain subsample. You determine the subsample as before with the parameters count and (optionally) offset. Normally, the random post would be picked from this subsample.… Continue reading Redirect URL to Post, Version 0.11: Random With Bias

Redirect URL to Post, Version 0.10: Random From a Subsample

This version of the free WordPress plugin Redirect URL to Post comes with a new feature: Until now, the parameter random always picked one out of the entire pool of posts (that match the search criteria). Now you can pick a random post from a subsample. The new parameter count lets you limit the pool… Continue reading Redirect URL to Post, Version 0.10: Random From a Subsample